I LOVE weekends!
What a great end to the week and weekend. Knitted with friends on Thursday evening, then again on Saturday - with the extra special addition of friend's knitter extraordinaire mother, then game night with a friend and some new friends! Oh, and a visit to the yarn shop in between.
Progress to share:
How fun to knit something I actually need. While in the kitchen recently, I realized I'm down to four dishrags. I think the average household needs at least a dozen, if not two. So, I pulled out a UFO, made it an FO along with a second. This yarn was a Christmas gift last year - at the time I had no idea how much I needed it. Turned out to be the perfect gift. And how fun is the MDK Ball Band dishcloth! Can't have too many of those. The other cloth is some pattern I stumbled across in a magazine. I'm looking forward to the little scrubby bobbles.And so cheery colorful too! Here they are, a little blurry, posing with the teapot I got for Christmas this year. I absolutely adore it. I just admire it. And use it too. I just love it.
Better, less blurry photo, sans lovely teapot.
I finished the i-cord bindoff to the neck and bottom of the Icelandic sweater and finished crocheting the reinforcement to prepare for - gulp - the steek. I have to redo the cuffs of the sleeves and sew in many, many ends. That will allow me to procrastinate for a while longer before cutting.

I bought yarn for the next project!
And I did the math and suddenly realized that I need seven baby gifts for five pregnant friends. Here is the yarn for bibs. Or something else if I find a different pattern sooner.
And most of Sunday left to enjoy. What a joy.
Progress to share:
How fun to knit something I actually need. While in the kitchen recently, I realized I'm down to four dishrags. I think the average household needs at least a dozen, if not two. So, I pulled out a UFO, made it an FO along with a second. This yarn was a Christmas gift last year - at the time I had no idea how much I needed it. Turned out to be the perfect gift. And how fun is the MDK Ball Band dishcloth! Can't have too many of those. The other cloth is some pattern I stumbled across in a magazine. I'm looking forward to the little scrubby bobbles.And so cheery colorful too! Here they are, a little blurry, posing with the teapot I got for Christmas this year. I absolutely adore it. I just admire it. And use it too. I just love it.
you've got alot goin' on sista! those disrags are adorable, love the color choice. wish I could be there for the big CUT! I need to see the play by play.
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