San Antonio
Lunch at a local favorite - Chris Madrids.
These macho nachos are the best. Ever.
A trip to the most beloved landmark of Texas history - The Alamo.
The requisite shot in front of the Alamo.

The Menger hotel - a stunning downtown hotel.
Dinner at Tip Top. Absolutely the best chicken-fried steak, enchiladas, and fried shrimp ever. Ever.

The bathrooms are outside. Not my preferred location in the Texas summer.

A side entrance - a lovely walkway.

The Menger hotel - a stunning downtown hotel.

Dinner at Tip Top. Absolutely the best chicken-fried steak, enchiladas, and fried shrimp ever. Ever.

The bathrooms are outside. Not my preferred location in the Texas summer.

Okay, I did forget to take photos of the rest of our adventures in South Texas. But more to come in Luling!
my little vagabond! she's here, she's there, she's everywhere!
got any shots of the line dancing??
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