After a bothersome early week at work, I'm on the downhill slide. Whew!
Today, a lovely half-day Thursday. Love those! A telework morning - what's not to love about that? - and a sunny afternoon to myself. I so enjoy spending the afternoon with my handsome husband, but free afternoons have a different feel. I went for a swim, had a visit with the new minister at church, made a quick and yummy stop by Dairy Queen, then loaded up on fresh produce at Tom Leonard's. This evening I'm knitting with a
friend. How to beat all that??
Here's a short recap of several happenings:
The finished Rusted Root - also available

Here is yarn from Finland. Not sure what it's going to be yet. I'm thinking a cardigan.

From Estonia - this yarn has a smell that I cannot quite identify, but I like. Organic let's say.

I borrowed a swift and ball winder from a friend to wind my bounty of yarn. I had a little help.

The swift offered a little extra tension that I could not figure out how to adjust. Here are two cakes of the wound yarn. The smaller is the first winding - it was more bricklike than cakelike. I rewound and got the much bigger, fluffier version. Amazing. Same yardage.

Here is a square I made for a community afghan for the owner of the Yarn Lounge for her upcoming wedding. The yarn is a yummy merino wool from the charity bin at the Lounge. The owner has designated a suitcase where you can donate leftover yarn - perhaps an extra ball or so from a finished project. Takers contribute to a fund that will go to a local animal shelter. Given her passion for animals, I thought this was particularly appropriate. I hope she likes it!

Two home-grown tomatoes, a Sunday lunch at the City Diner, a visit to a friend with adorable new twins, a long weekend at the lake with the parents - now you're up to date!