Monday, December 31, 2007
The Icelandic sweater took a hit today. This...
became this...
Apparently the knit for the fair isle is much tighter than the single knit of the main body. It was growing in not-a-good-way. Whatever the chicken sweater had must have been contagious. You may have been able to hear the frog from here. Sigh.
Tank museum
Earlier in December, on a lovely chilly morning, Robert and I set off to visit the American Armoured Foundation Tank Museum in Danville. A pleasant drive, a long visit viewing many military uniforms, toys, guns, equipment, helmets, and of course, tanks. The museum does not allow flash photography, so some photos are a bit blurry.
These are bikes from the Swiss Army.
An Iraqi tank - the only one in a museum in the United States.
Robert firing a .50 caliber machine gun.
If you are interested in more photos, check out the gallery.
While in Danville, I recommend having lunch at Mary's Diner (at the recommendation of the nice lady who worked the gift shop at the museum) - cafeteria-style food and plenty of it. We had a delicious time there.
These are bikes from the Swiss Army.
While in Danville, I recommend having lunch at Mary's Diner (at the recommendation of the nice lady who worked the gift shop at the museum) - cafeteria-style food and plenty of it. We had a delicious time there.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Dormant projects - they're back!
Christmas knitting - as delightful as it is - put some of my other knitting projects on hold. I made (some still in progress - long story on why, legitimately, we have not exchanged gifts at the office) handwarmers from Last Minute Knitted Gifts for my hair stylist and co-workers - here are a few:
I made socks for my sister-in-law:
I made this Leaf and Acorn shawl for my mother-in-law. Truly my most challenging project to date. This wrap pattern just seemed to made for her; I could not resist making it. I started at the end of August and finished in mid-December. Here it is all pinned down for blocking/drying.
Here it is modeling on the sofa. Cloudy day outside - slow shutter speed inside.
In my biased opinion, these photos do not do it justice. Perhaps she will model and send a photo?
So, some stash is coming out of hiding (note the fair isle Icelandic sweater in progress - earlier post) and some projects are getting new life:
This is the Almost Argyle sock pattern from Knit Picks, but I cannot seem to find pattern on their website to link it. Anyway, I started these socks way long ago and they continually get bumped for a more exciting project of the moment. Perhaps this will be their winter.
I am resisting the temptation (so far) to start many new projects at once and am concentrating on these two for now. But I did just place an order for a mitten knit-along with a friend. I can only resist so much. And just to spur on my recent Nordic mitten obsession - look at the new Pieceworks I found while searching for the earlier link! I'll be off to Barnes & Noble promptly on January 15.
And I'm pestering another friend for a sweater knit-along. Okay, maybe just a few new projects in 2008...
So, some stash is coming out of hiding (note the fair isle Icelandic sweater in progress - earlier post) and some projects are getting new life:
I am resisting the temptation (so far) to start many new projects at once and am concentrating on these two for now. But I did just place an order for a mitten knit-along with a friend. I can only resist so much. And just to spur on my recent Nordic mitten obsession - look at the new Pieceworks I found while searching for the earlier link! I'll be off to Barnes & Noble promptly on January 15.
And I'm pestering another friend for a sweater knit-along. Okay, maybe just a few new projects in 2008...
Saturday, December 29, 2007
I love Saturdays
I love Saturdays. I love all stay-at-home days. Any weekend or holiday day will do. We went to the gym (I love the way that makes the rest of the day guilt-free, no matter how much loafing or eating takes place), ran a few errands (again, guilt-free as long as you were somewhat productive for a little while), then spent all afternoon lazing around. We enjoyed a delicious pork tenderloin from New Braunfels Smokehouse (a fabulous Thanksgiving surprise from Robert's mom) and Christmas leftovers (from my mom's house). After a big 'ol nap, I fixed a pot of tea in my new teapot I got for Christmas - it is SO lovely! - enjoying raspberry green tea that I also received for Christmas. It's been a delightful holiday Saturday.
Happy weekend!
Happy weekend!
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Fair Isle
On a trip to Iceland in 2004 (or maybe 2005) (which, by the way, is the most stunningly beautiful place I have ever seen), I purchased the makings for a traditional Icelandic sweater. Never mind that I bought an already-knit, in the same color, Iceland sweater on a visit in 2001. I had discovered knitting and I must knit myself one.
So, with my vast experience of fair isle knitting (Wellington's sweater is SO big!), I decided to undertake the task.
So, with my vast experience of fair isle knitting (Wellington's sweater is SO big!), I decided to undertake the task.
I am modifying the bottom edge - replacing the ribbing with a hemmed edge. I have cast on and knit about 10 rows.
Oh, that's my gauge swatch done using the Magic Loop. I'm combining all sorts of techniques in this project. Hope that's not too damning.
Wish me luck!
Sunday, December 23, 2007
It's Christmas at our house!
A bit early, we opened presents! Robert has to work on Christmas Eve and most of Christmas Day, so we're sharing presents on Christmas Eve Eve this year. For Robert, it's an armoured warfare Christmas.
He also got fun gift cards to Moe's and Barnes & Noble. Food and books are always welcome at our house. The other fun food gift is holding out in the fridge - a brisket, ham, and turkey from New Braunfels Smokehouse.
And a special little guy got a handknit sweater (my first Fair Isle project; steeks are frightening). Doesn't Wellington look so handsome!

I received delightful gifts including a new ipod shuffle (so Robert can have his back plus mine's a cooler color), remarkably smooth Knit Picks knitting needles, some running and workout accessories, a necklace that is just so ready for a wonderful pendant waiting in my jewelry box, a lovely lilac shirt, and some other wonderful gifts that I'm sure I'm overlooking.
Happy Christmas!!!
I received delightful gifts including a new ipod shuffle (so Robert can have his back plus mine's a cooler color), remarkably smooth Knit Picks knitting needles, some running and workout accessories, a necklace that is just so ready for a wonderful pendant waiting in my jewelry box, a lovely lilac shirt, and some other wonderful gifts that I'm sure I'm overlooking.
Happy Christmas!!!
Saturday, December 22, 2007
A delightful morning
It's just one of those wonderful days! No one big exciting event, just many, little happy things.
A sweet note from my charming husband met me when I got up this morning.

A lovely friend started a blog.
A four-day weekend - culminating with one of the most anticipated days of the year!!!

Yes, that is a bag of grapefruit under the tree. I love Rio Star. The sweet guy who writes notes also does the grocery shopping and buys me treats.
Another four-day weekend next week too!
My longest run in many weeks (I'm still enjoying the endorphins from the run - hence the warm and fuzzy post). I'm not sure when I developed such a love of running. Don't get me wrong - they are not all fun. Today was perfect. Cloudy, not too cold, no plans making me hurry, not too much traffic. I was doing long runs on the weekend - 60-100 minutes - then injured myself, so the runs stopped. I missed them terribly! An uninterrupted hour to run, enjoy the scenery, and listen to music. Today was a play run as I ran up in the landscaped mulch beds lining Nuckols Road, pretending I was off running cross-country. The grass and mulch make my body so much happier than running on the pavement. Again, a joy today since I cannot run in the rough like that at 6:00am during the week or I'd twist an ankle.
A day ahead with errands planned, but no rush nor requisite results. And not too many errands.
A $5 Starbucks gift card from the office. What a treat to splurge on a free coffee!!! I'm thinking something with lots of milk and mocha.
If I get confirmation that our Christmas package arrived in Dallas, a delightful day will be even better!
A sweet note from my charming husband met me when I got up this morning.
A lovely friend started a blog.
A four-day weekend - culminating with one of the most anticipated days of the year!!!
Yes, that is a bag of grapefruit under the tree. I love Rio Star. The sweet guy who writes notes also does the grocery shopping and buys me treats.
Another four-day weekend next week too!
My longest run in many weeks (I'm still enjoying the endorphins from the run - hence the warm and fuzzy post). I'm not sure when I developed such a love of running. Don't get me wrong - they are not all fun. Today was perfect. Cloudy, not too cold, no plans making me hurry, not too much traffic. I was doing long runs on the weekend - 60-100 minutes - then injured myself, so the runs stopped. I missed them terribly! An uninterrupted hour to run, enjoy the scenery, and listen to music. Today was a play run as I ran up in the landscaped mulch beds lining Nuckols Road, pretending I was off running cross-country. The grass and mulch make my body so much happier than running on the pavement. Again, a joy today since I cannot run in the rough like that at 6:00am during the week or I'd twist an ankle.
A day ahead with errands planned, but no rush nor requisite results. And not too many errands.
A $5 Starbucks gift card from the office. What a treat to splurge on a free coffee!!! I'm thinking something with lots of milk and mocha.
If I get confirmation that our Christmas package arrived in Dallas, a delightful day will be even better!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
My marathoner
Robert ran in his first marathon this fall and finished in an admirable 3:54! His sister was in DC on business and was able to come down to visit for the weekend and travel all around the race course with me. Here they are pre-race.
The race anticipation mounts...
We had camera problems at stops one and two, accidentally left the camera in the car at stop three, then snapped a great photo at stop four - around mile 20. He was looking great!
It was a windy day for a warming blanket...
We then had difficulty getting the attention of the star runner post-race.
Congratulations Robert!