Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Farm fresh eggs

Some things change over the years so slowly that I don't notice. Recently I had an organic banana. I had a huge flashback to my childhood and the realization - THIS is what a banana is supposed to taste like! I had no idea they had become bland and sort of chemically over the years.

Today I had fresh eggs. Not ones purchased recently from the store, but real fresh eggs. From free range chickens who munch on pumpkin rinds, flowers, bugs, grass, corn - all sorts of good things. Happy ones who get hugs and have Christmas stockings. Those scrambled eggs flooded me with childhood memories of early breakfast at my parents' house. How familiar was the taste. That's what eggs are supposed to taste like.


Blogger Anne Margaret said...

If those girls don't stay out of my front yar, you may be flooded with the remembrance of chicken and dumplings from times gone by!

We're glad you liked the eggs!!

2:37 PM  
Blogger TheYarnLounge said...

Hey there! I didn't know you had a blog! We've linked to you- hope that's alright. :)

5:24 PM  

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