Visit with friends
What a fun visit! Friends came into town to visit. On my birthday even! We had a delightful time - yummy lunch and dinner and an evening making a craft project! Okay it did take us over an hour to select one solid color tee each. And one of us was a bit skeptical that we would have completed, wearable shirts at the end of the night, but - through great patience and perseverance, Heidi made sure we did.
Kathy poses in her completed tee.
Remember the tee above that Heidi was working on for the naysayer? She looks fabulous in it now! With stylish pajama bottoms to boot.

What lovely friends to spend my birthday with me. I love you all!
Instructor extraordinaire Heidi assists with Anna's stitching. (Anna was the skeptical one.)
Kathy creates the perfect star.
Emily models the first completed tee. Lovely in purple!
What lovely friends to spend my birthday with me. I love you all!
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