Sunday, July 23, 2006

Yarn and Paper

By the name of the page, you'd figure I have affection for yarn and paper. How true! A few projects in the making...

A friend taught me how to crochet and I am copying her fabulous little crocheted baskets. This is my first one, still holding on to its ball of yarn.

I am also knitting the handwarmers on the front page of the new Knitty. These are/will be slightly modified versions from the original pattern, but pretty close. With a little mess of tangled yarn.

My sister-in-law loaded me up with stationery for my birthday. It's fabulous! However, I'm such a hoarder, that I have used embarrassingly little of it for writing notes. The round ones and the red and blue ones are glittery! Some have lined envelopes - true luxury.

And my favorite paper to share at the moment - I only have three cards left from this fun pack:

And my latest purchase today by Mary Engelbreit. I love Mary Engelbreit. Her drawings are so fun and happy. There were many charming designs to choose from - ballgowns, a pretty skirt with a jacket - but I always adore a sweater.

I'm off to knit and write a few notes!


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