Sunday, August 09, 2009

What I did today.

So, how was my day? I did lots. I did not complete everything on my to do list - I never have. I always overlist myself and am thrilled when I at least finish half.

I paid some bills and wrote some notes. I love writing notes. And I'm diminishing the stash of old stamps I have. Blasted rate increases.
I cut grass.

I went to the pool (no swimsuit photos. Sorry.).

I made a big ol' mess in the kitchen.

I made a moderate mess in my office.
I knit and watched pre-recorded television shows. A requisite nap ensued. It is Sunday afternoon.

I finished the scrapbook from vacation a year ago June.

It's big and loaded with lovely photos and memories.

I cleaned up the kitchen.

I'm settling down.

A whole day!

I have a whole unplanned day. Well, sort of unplanned. And sort of whole.

All of my usual weekend commitments are otherwise occupied: the parents are out of town, the YL is closed for the day, and the husband is working.

I went to church, I'm waiting until an appropriate hour to fire up the mower, then I have hours of my own until some friend(s) are coming over this evening to visit and knit.

We'll see what the day brings!